Not just another white cube, The Kenmore is a small, cold exhibition object measuring approximately 36" x 24"x 24". The Kenmore's mission is to keep ideas fresh through the opportunity of a unique exhibition context and the experience of collaboration. This project sprung from Aisen Caro Chacin's N Gallery, was initiated by Emily Sloan and is "run" (refrigerator humor) under her development and guidance. By it's nature, The Kenmore remains a work in progress.
In 2010, The Kenmore served as a collaborative object for 15 Texas and international artists and 3 curators, was a participant in FotoFest 2010, and Lawndale Art Center’s "The Big Show" with its debut of "The small Show." The Kenmore can most often be located at Box 13 ArtSpace in Houston, Texas with its own exhibitions coinciding with those of the artspace.
The Kenmore gratefully acknowledges all 2010 participating artists, curators, and collaborators including Bonnie Blue, Michael Brims, Aisen Caro Chacin, Loli Fernandez-A, Rachel Hooper, Christoph Hüppi, Jonathan Leach, Cody Ledvina, Merilee Minshew, Jarrod Perez, Valerie Powell, Keith Reynolds, Ariane Roesch, Lindsey Simard, Emily Sloan, Kristi Wilson, Box 13 ArtSpace and N Gallery. For more information, please visit:
Location and contact:
The Kenmore
currently on view at SKYDIVE ARTSPACE
2041 Norfolk
Houston, TX 77098